21. 1976 to 1981 AD

21.1. Keywords

  • carter elect

  • reagan elect

  • china invade

  • ban vinai

  • afghanistan december

  • american hostages

  • country

  • vongsavang die

  • vatthana die

  • carter explore

21.2. Events

  • LyTeck Ly Nhia Vue was executed at Seminar Camp 6 [HM99].

  • LPDR and People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) began the use of chemical-biological toxin warfare against Hmongs in Laos.

  • Carter was elected President [HM99].

  • Ban Vinai camp is created [HM99].

  • 11-3-1976: Lao royal family (King Savang Vatthana, Queen Khamphoui and Prince Vongsavang) was arrested and imprisoned in Seminar Camp 1, Sop Hoa at Vieng Sai, where LyFong Touby was also encamped [HM99].

  • Carter’s 1977 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (426 pages) did not list the country of Laos. [HM99]

  • 3-1977: March, Carter explored the recognition of a communist Vietnam [HM99].

  • 7-18-1977: The Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between LPDR and Socialist Republic of Vietnam reaffirmed the commitment to Marxims-Leninism and provided the legal basis for Vietnam involvement in Laos [HM99].

  • Communists massacred Hmong in Phou Bia area and started the “final solution” to exterminate Hmongs. Pathet Lao defectors estimate 50,000 were dead of poison and 45,000 were shot, died of starvation or tortured to death at Phou Bia [HM99].

  • Lyfoung Touby died at re-education camp in Sam Neua [HM99].

  • Pa Kao Her formed Ethnics Liberation Organization of Laos [SVY00].

  • 2-5-1978: Prince Vongsavang died at Seminar Camp 1 [HM99].

  • 6-1978: June, Vietnam joined Comecon, the East European economic community. Carter signed SALT II with Premier Brezhnev [HM99].

  • 6-13-1978: King Savang Vatthana died at Seminar Camp 1 [HM99].

  • 9-4-1978: Queen Khamphoui died after she is moved to Seminar Camp 2 at Houei Bao in Houa Phan [HM99].

  • 12-1978: Soviet invaded Afghanistan in December [HM99].

  • 12-25-1978: December, Vietnam invaded Chinese-backed Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge and installed pro-Hanoi government in Cambodia [HM99].

  • Fall, Gary B. Croker of the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research began investigation of biological/toxic chemical use in Laos with Colonel Charles W. Lewis as head of the investigation team [HM99].

  • Prince Sisouk na Champassak accused the world of a “conspiracy of silence” on the atrocities in Laos [HM99].

  • 2-1979: February, China invaded Vietnam [HM99].

  • 4-1979: April, Explosion of Soviet secret military compound released toxins and caused death [HM99].

  • Iran took American hostages [HM99].

  • Reagan was elected President [HM99].

  • December, UN adopted a resolution to investigate the use of chemical-biological warfare in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan [HM99].

  • 3-3-1980: Supporters of Pahawh Hmong formed Motthem Family [SVY00].