19. 1930 to 1961 AD

19.1. Keywords

  • korea

  • mao zedong

  • jfk elect

  • gauthier return

  • withdraw southeast

  • niam

  • exile

  • president

  • dwight

  • pahawh

19.2. Events

  • Ho Chi Minh attended Communist International Conference in Hong Kong that united Indochina into Communist Party of Indochina [HM99].

  • A Vietnamese missionary, C. K. Trung, publishes the Gospel of Mark in Hmong Leng in Thailand using Thai characters; the alphabet is known as Trung Alphabet [SVY00].

  • Touby LyFoung graduated from primary school and started to attend middle school at Lycee Pavie in Vientiane [Lee05].

  • Ly Foung began his domination over Nong Het politics after Lo BliaYao’s death. His son Ly Nao Chao became the tasseng of Phak Boun, while Ly Foung became tasseng of Keng Khoai [Lee05].

  • 1-2-1935: Lo BliaYao died. It is mentioned he left 700 silver bars behind [Lee05].

  • PaGe LyFoung was appointed naikong of Nong Het [Lee05].

  • Lyfoung Touby was appointed Tasseng. Phay Dang, son of Lo Blia Yao, became bitter rival and enemy of Lyfong Touby and Lyfong’s future alliances and endeavours [HM99].

  • Phay Dang Lo had appealed unsuccessfully to the local Lao administrator in Muong Kham, French Commissar in Xieng Khouang and the Viceroy Prince Phetsarath in Luang Prabang for the title of Tasseng. Phang Dang even presented his father’s, Lo Blia Yao, rhinoceros horns to the Viceroy in his appeal. The Viceroy, although assuring Phang Dang of Tasseng, failed to come through for him by being overly occupied with the Lao Issara Movement (Free Lao) from French control [HM99,Lee00].

  • First school for Hmong created by French in Nong Het [Lee05].

  • The Homer-Dixon Romanized Alphabet was created for a dialect in Vietnam which closely resembles Hmong Leng. [SVY00]

  • 10-1939: Ly Foung died from horse accident [Lee05].

  • As France surrendered to Nazi Germany, Japan began the takeover of French Indochina [HM99].

  • Vichy government in communist France ordered colonies to not interfere with Japanese activities [HM99].

  • 5-1941: Lao King Sisavangvong gave Xieng Khouang to Touby LyFoung to rule over as an autonomous zone. Touby LyFoung rejected offer [Lee05].

  • 8-29-1941: Xieng Khouang, Houei Sai and Vientiane were turned over to Kingdom of Laung Prabang by the Japanese, casting aside Chao Sia Kham [HM99].

  • British-backed French commandos sent to Xieng Khouang to gather intelligence and train indigenous resistance to the Japanese. This mission was known as Force 136. Ultimate mission of these French commandos were to secure PDJ for allied airborne invasion of Indochina. Muarice Gauthier recruited core leadership of Hmong consisting of Lyfong Touby, Lyfong Tou Geu and Moua Chia Xang [HM99].

  • After President Roosevelt’s death, Truman becomes president.

  • Gauthier recruited Moua Chong Toua from Phou Duu [HM99].

  • During Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia, Phang Dang sided with the Japanese against Touby Lyfoung and the French [Lee00].

  • Mao Zedong 1945–1976

  • 2-1945: February, Yalta Conference. American declared to Stalin it will not assist French in returning to Indochina [HM99].

  • 3-9-1945: Japanese launched coup de main against French installations throughout Indochina successfully [HM99].

  • 3-24-1945: 300 Japanese soldiers reached Nong Het. Thirty Japanese soldiers remain at Nong Het while 270 move to Plain of Jars [Lee05].

  • 4-8-1945: Lao king joined Laos to Japan’s Co-Prosperity Sphere [HM99].

  • 5-1945: With the aid of Fay Dang Lo, Japanese began hunt for French soldiers who were aided by Touby LyFoung [Lee05].

  • 8-15-1945: Japanese withdrew from Southeast Asia [Lee00].

  • 9-1-1945: Lao Prince Pethsarath declared Laos as a single independent kingdom [Lee05].

  • 9-2-1945: September, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam [HM99].

  • 10-1945: October, Chao Souphanouvong arrived with Viet Minh in Laos to receive Command In Chief title. The Military Conventions was established, allowing Viet Minh control of Laos military [HM99].

  • 10-12-1945: Free Lao Movement formed Lao Issara to promote total independence from France [HM99].

  • 11-1945: November, Xieng Khoua was taken by Lao Issara after Japanese evacuation of Southeast Asia [Lee00].

  • 11-22-1945: Lyfong Touby’s stone house is attacked by Viet Minh and Xieng Khouang was lost to Viet Minh. [HM99]

  • Nationalist Chinese sent to disarm Japanese withdraw [HM99].

  • Chao Souphanouvong, disillusioned by partial independence, created the precursor group to Pathet Lao [HM99].

  • 1-1946: January, Hmong forces was also backed by Lao forces headed by Tiao Saykhan, a member of the Xieng Khoua Royal family [Lee00].

  • 1-26-1946: Gauthier and Lyfong Touby launched an attack to retake Xieng Khouang from Lao Issara. The operation was successful. Chao Sai Kham and Lyfong Touby received the French Legion of Honor. Chong Toua, Moua Chia Xang and every clan leader received Croix de Guerre. Progress was made as Hmongs earned government offices [HM99].

  • 3-1946: March, French reoccupation reentered Laos. Taxation of Hmongs by French is 7 kip per househould per year and a house tax of 5 bee. Taxations destroyed Hmong families as children were sold for 14 kip per child. Such taxations fueld Viet Minh propaganda and anti-French momentum.

  • 8-1946: Viet Minh established Resistance Committee of Eastern Laos in Hmong homelands. The penetration into Hmong villages ensured reoccupation and control by the Viet Minh [HM99].

  • 8-1946: Chao Savang Vatthana signed modus vivendi to provide Franco-Lao commission to study future of Franco-Lao relationship [HM99].

  • 9-1946: King Sisavang Vong of Laung Prabang appointed Touby Lyfoung to the position of Chao Muong (County Governor) for his support and relative success against NVA troops. Lyfoung’s partner, Tiao Saykham, was made Provincial Governor or Chao Khoueng [Lee05,Lee00].

  • 12-1946: December, voters of Laos elected 44 delegates who granted Laos partial independence from France. Gauthier resigned from French military [HM99].

  • Meo Maquis, Hmongs organized by the French to fight against the Viet Minh began [HM99].

  • Gauthier returned to France [HM99].

  • Touby LyFoung is knighted as Phaya Damrong Ritthikay, The Lord Whose Name is Heard From Far Away [Lee05].

  • Tougeu LyFoung is appointed as an advisor on the King’s Council in Vientiane [Lee05].

  • 5-11-1947: Laos became an independent state within the French Union through a constitution drafted by elected delegates and King Sisavang Vong [HM99].

  • 12-1947: December, George Kennan of the State Department published his theory on “containment of communism” which became US policy used in South East Asia [HM99].

  • Laos beccame a UN member under efforts by Chao Sisouk na Champassak as the ambassador to the UN. [HM99]

  • 7-1949: July, King Sisavang Vong introduced new Laos flag of three elephants [HM99].

  • 10-1-1949: Mao Zedong overtook Beijing and began communist rule [HM99].

  • 11-1949: Lao Issara dissolved, but Chao Souphanouvong continued with members of the group as Pathet Lao, claiming successor to Free Lao [HM99].

  • 1-14-1950: Ho gained recognition for communist Vietnam from China, the Soviet Union and US [HM99].

  • 6-25-1950: June, N. Korea invaded S. Korea. Under UN auspices, US troops were sent to Korea [HM99].

  • 6-29-1950: The first US supplies arrive in Saigon to aid the French against General Giap’s Chinese-backed Viet Minh [HM99].

  • 8-1950: Neo Lao Issara (Free Lao Front) was formed. Phay Dang Lo was a minister within this organization representing minorities [Lee00].

  • (1951–1953) The Romanized Popular Alphabet (RPA) for Hmong Der and Leng languages is created by W. A. Smalley, G. L. Barney, and Y. Bertrais in Laos [SVY00].

  • French’s first employment of then unranked Vang Pao is recorded [HM99]. Vang Pao’s grandfather was Paj Maim Vaj. His father was Neej Tswb Vaj. His siblings, in order of oldest to youngest, were Mov Vaj (Niam Nyiaj Teev Yaj, f), Txiab Vaj (Niam Paj Xauv Thoj, f), Yeeb Vaj (Niam Nplia Tub Vwj, f), Nom Tub Vaj, Niam Neej Tswb Thoj (f), Pov Vaj, Paj Vws, Niam Tsav Ntxawg Yaj (f), Niam Xov Txais Yaj (f), Niam Lis Teeb (f).

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected President.

  • 3-1952: March, Vang Pao received officer’s strip from King Sisavang Vong [HM99].

  • 11-1952: November, Viet Minh occupied Dien Bien Phu and launched offensive from there against Laung Prabang. These battles resulted in a Hmong migration from Laun Prabang to Nong Het, seeking Lyfong Touby’s protection. [HM99]

  • Ho declared stalemate of Korean War as proof of inable US force, and used this example as an impetus for his liberation efforts [HM99].

  • Lt. General Henri Navarre was French commander-in-chief in Indochina [HM99].

  • Viet Minh invaded Hmong homeland in northern Laos [HM99].

  • France granted full independence to the Kingdom of Laos as a member of the French Union [HM99].

  • 7-27-1953: Korean War ended. Korea is divided at the 38th parallel as before the war [HM99].

  • 10-1953: October, Captain Jean Sassi, a French commando trained by Force 136 under assignment of Groupe de Commandos Mixtes Aeroportes, began the training of Meo Maquis to fight against Viet Minh [HM99].

  • 11-1953: November, French paratroopers retake Dien Bien Phu to deny Viet Minh of a strategic attack headquarters against Laos. Dien Bien Phu was nicknamed Hedgehog for its heavily armed might [HM99].

  • 1-1954: January, Viet Minh sieged the French at Dien Bien Phu [HM99].

  • 3-13-1954: General Giap’s 50,000 troops began to attack at Dien Bien Phu and began to turn Hedgehog into Chamber Pot [HM99].

  • 4-16-1954: Captain Sassi begins Operation D, a mission for Meo Maquis to attack and harass Viet Minh from the back in an effort to stop the advancing Viet Minh on Chamber Pot. With odds mounting, Operation D is renamed Operation Desperate [HM99].

  • 5-7-1954: DBP fell to General Giap’s troop. 2,000 French Expeditionary Corps solider lay dead and 12,000 prisoners were taken from DBP by the Viet Minh. Captain Sassi renamed Operation Desperate to Operation Deception because of the lack of French support [HM99].

  • 5-8-1954: Geneva Conference established cease fire between France and Ho’s Viet Minh. North and South Vietnam are divided at the 17th parallel and Laos was established as a neutral, sovereign state. International Control Commission was created to monitor cease-fire violations [HM99].

  • 6-1954: June, US serious support began with ammunition supply [HM99].

  • 9-1954: September, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) [HM99].

  • Captain Jean Sassi and French forces left Indochina for good [HM99].

  • Vang Pao became the commander of all Hmong forces in upper Laos [HM99].

  • Programs Evaluation Office (PEO) began for US-backed Royal Lao Army to cope with Pathet Lao. US military advisors provided covert training to Lao Army through Program Evaluation Office (PEO) [HM99].

  • Chao Souvanna Phouma becomes Laos prime minister [HM99].

  • Neo Lao Issara was changed to Neo Lao Hak Sat (NLHS) or the Patriotic Front. Phay Dang Lo was the vice-president of this new organization [Lee00].

  • Vietnamese Romanized Alphabet is created for Hmong Der dialect [SVY00].

  • Chinese Romanized Alphabet was created for Hmong by People’s Republic of China [SVY00].

  • Lao Coalition Government is formed by the Royal Lao Government and NLHS. Souvanna Phouma was the elected leader. Lo Foung was the Hmong representative for the NLHS side and Lyfoung Touby was the Hmong representative for the RLG side [Lee00].

  • Months after the Lao Coalition Government elections, Phoui Sananakone overthrew the newly formed government and instituted a rightists rule. Virtually all NLHS, except Phay Dang Lo, were incarcerated by Sananakone’s government [Lee00].

  • 5-15-1959: Shong Lue Yang started creation of Pahawh Hmong [SVY00].

  • 7-2-1959: Ho traveled to Moscow to seek Soviet aid from Premier Nikita Khurshchev [HM99].

  • 9-15-1959: Shong Lue Yang began to teach Pahawh Hmong and Pahawh Khmu in Tham Ha [SVY00].

  • JFK was elected President.

  • CIA was recorded to have contacted Vang Pao and gain his military support against NVA. CIA promised supply of arms, training, food and an end to communist rule in exchange for Vang Pao’s allegiance [HM99].

  • Vang Pao becomes Lt. Colonel in the Royal Lao Army after a successful coup detat, which he held General Amkha for his soldier’s backpay from General Phoumi Nosavan [HM99].

  • Chao Fa’s current leader was Yang Shong Lue (Yaj Soob Lwj), who called himself, Niam Ntawv or Nhia Daow (Mother of Letters), to represent his ability to create Hmong alpahbets [HM99].

  • 4-1960: April, Election ousted Souvanna Phouma and brought in a pro-American, anticommunist government. Moua Chia Xang, campaigning for a National Assembly seat is assassinated. Lyfong Touby and racist Laotians are among the accused conspirators of the assasination [HM99].

  • 5-1960: May, Souvanna Phouma and Pathet Lao leaders escaped prison. Supposedly an arranged escaped by Royal Lao to avoid political trial [HM99].

  • 8-9-1960: August, Kong Le overthrew American-backed government, returning power to Souvanna Phouma [HM99].

  • 9-28-1960: Sam Neua fell from Royal Lao to NVA and Pathet Lao [HM99].

  • 10-1960: October, NVA and Pathet Lao troops took Ban Ban and other cites along Route 7 [HM99].

  • 10-13-1960: Prime Minister Souvana Phouma asked and received military assistance from the Soviet for his Neutralist government [HM99].

  • 12-1960: December, Tasseng Yang at Khan Kho received Colonel Billy and Thai Colonel Khouphan. Colonel Billy’s mission was to locate Vang Pao and assess the potential and desire of Hmongs to fight NVA and Pathet Lao. Vang Pao is located and contacted by Colonel Billy. US provided military support at Padong for Vang Pao [HM99].

  • 12-9-1960: Souvanna Phouma exiled himself to Cambodia [HM99].

  • 12-10-1960: Quinim Pholsena, a minister of Souvanna Phouma, bargained with Soviets to arm and supply those fighting General Phoumi under the condition that Kong Le and Pathet Lao form an alliance [HM99].

  • 12-13-1960: General Phoumi launched countercoup against Kong Le. Kong Le retreated to PDJ [HM99].

  • 12-30-1960: NVA successfully overtook General Phoumi’s troops on Route 7 near Ban Ban [HM99].

  • 12-31-1960: Neutralists and communists began fight against General Phoumi at PDJ [HM99].